This is a nice pic sent to us by Prema. We are extremely happy for the new links made during the Youth Exchange in Liepaja. We are so happy to see the activities in our Facebook group, showing that nothing is really ended. Hope to see all of you and many other people next year! If not in Latvia – then in any other European country full of young minds and creative souls!

Passport: Vision – GALLERY

Click on “More…” to see pictures from our participants!

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Closing event: THE MORNING light


This is a photo-video project from Fabrizio. A still camera was put on the side of the stage, capturing every second. Put together in the video it looks quite funky, doesn’t it?


Passport: Vision closing event @ Gypsy Camp

Passport: Vision closing event was an audiovisual surprise, a whole new form of collaboration among live musicians, DJ’s, video artists, dancers and performers. The most amazing thing was that the roles were changing and floating. 10 days before some people did not know, that they can step up the stage and perform. Musicians did not know, that they can play with the fire and the hoolahoop. The people, who said they cannot do anything, did the most in the end. And the local crowd went crazy!


Passport Vision: FUTURE – ROBOTS. This is a video shot live during the Youth Exchange. The Future Vision scenario was made by all the participants. The movie was made, making a special program for Microsoft Xbox Kinect console. Digital avatars were made for each actor, that reacted to their moves using the infrared Kinect camera. The camera shot only the screen with the avatars, the actors stayed outside the capture. This was an extraordinary and new idea for live video shooting.

Hula Bass video for the topic: NATURE and FUTURE

hula bass from Interwimba. Music produced by Mouldy Soul on the spot in Liepaja. Video shot during the workshop done by Fabrizio, Giancarlo and Premananda.

Participants 2011

We have recently updated list of participants fort Passport:Vision 2011! It’s not all – additional info coming soon, but as far as now it seems that this will be all-star project!

Production work public presentation party


Weeks ago we organized and participated in international youth DJ, VJ and producer project “Passport:Music”. This was amazing experience and now it’s time to present production work done during those 10 great days of colloboration. So, presentation party is scheduled this Friday, October 23, in “Peahen Studio” (Andejostas street 4), start 22:00. Sound will start with the mixtape of all tracks produced during the project and end up with great DJ sets.

Fontaine Palace event


Passport:music online discussion group


Our friend Ignat Gorazd has created a discussion group for the project under Google Groups: – join, share and discuss! This is the way we can make the best out of our collaboration!